Sunday, February 17, 2008

Benefits of different fruits

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals:

Apples: The skin of this refreshing fruit is an excellent source of fibre, a medium apple has about 47 calories.
Apricots: Due to a short life span once picked, most apricots are dried or canned. A fresh apricot has about 12 calories.
Bananas: Technically a herb and not a fruit, a medium banana, (100g /3-1/2oz) contains 95 calories and is absoutely loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Blueberries: These delicious fruits are very rich in antioxidants and help prevent urinary tract infection. There are about 50 calories in (80g /3oz) blueberries.
Grapes: (80g/3oz) contains 48 calories, with vitamins A and C and minerals.
Kiwi fruit: A medium kiwi fruit (60g /2-1/4oz) has 29 calories and offers a good range of vitamins.
Melon (orange-fleshed): is rich in a form of carotene (vitamin A precursor) that is known to fight cancer. A slice of melon (100/3-1/2oz) has 24 calories.
Peaches: A medium peach (100g/3-1/2oz) has about 33 calories, offering vitmain C and D plus potassium.
Pears: A medium pear (150g/5oz) has about 60 calories.
Pineapple: This fruit carries a potent enzyme, bromelain, that has been used to aid digestion, reduce inflamation, and help cardiovascular disease. A large slice (80g/3oz) has 33 calories.
Plums: A medium plum (55g/2oz) has 20 calories. Plums are a good source of vitamin C and provide potassium too.
Raisins and Sultanas: Being so rich in sugar, these dried fruits are an excellent source of energy: One tablespoon contains 82 calories.
Raspberries: There are nearly 1000 varieties of raspberries. They provide 20 calories per (80g/ 3oz).
Watermelon: A slice (200g/7oz) of this refreshing melon contains 62 calories plus vitamin C and some carotenoids.

Cut-up fruits, such as apples, oranges, melon, and pineapple, make a tasty, quick-to -prepare snack that is rich in fibre and beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

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